Abstract: ‘Puglia Tremor’ and ‘Vengo Anch’io’ projects built two systems for monitoring geo-referenced events. Reports of events are principally sent by human users that became active citizens in real community. ‘Puglia Tremor’ and ‘Vengo Anch’io’ use new dynamics of co-partnership, introduced by new technologies and telecommunication tools. The main idea behind the proposal is that each user of a social network can act as a signalling device/human sensor. So, a decision support system (DSS) can define an assessment level based on information received from users. Through this analysis, the system will be able to identify a multi-level classification of assessment and it will define a visual metaphor which acts as a support for the operator. Finally, this latter will can choose priority and type of surgery based on severity of real event.
Keywords: risk assessment, risk monitoring, hydrological risks, multi-level risks, citizen participation, user-entity interaction, decision support systems, DSS, living labs, social networks