13 Settembre 2016

EEG signal processing and acquisition for detecting abnormalities via bio-implantable devices

Abstract: The proposed research illustrates an innovating implantable micro-apparatus to be encompassed under the scalp for monitoring and retrieving electrical cerebral activities. The illustrated system considers its theoretical realization including, design of circuital electronic components and energy harvesting, 3D package, chemical aspects concerning the utilization of UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) polymeric materials for packaging including mechanical simulations and comparison with titanium material, and electromagnetic aspects regarding the Wi-Fi radiation. A full description of necessary circuitry is included. Moreover, for chemical viewpoint, requirements of polymeric nanomaterials, embedding silver or copper nanoparticles to be used for its fabrication, are discussed illustrating antibacterial and electromagnetic wall barrier properties. The study of the proposed work concerns the whole design of the system.

Keywords: EEG, Nanotechnology, sensing devices, bio-implantable devices, measurement

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E’ stato pubblicato online un lavoro sulle nanotecnologie dei ricercatori di Dyrecta Lab, A. Massaro e A. Galiano in collaborazione...
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